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Have your say and help deliver positive change for older people

I want Wales to lead the way in empowering older people, tackling inequality and enabling everyone to live and age well, and as Commissioner I will play a key part in making this vision a reality by delivering a robust and responsive work programme shaped by older people’s voices and experiences.

The hugely valuable conversations I’ve had with hundreds of older people across Wales about the changes and improvements they want to see have helped me to identify four key national outcomes that will provide a focus and strategic approach to the action I will take as Commissioner, as well as the wide range of action needed from public bodies.

The four national outcomes I have identified are focused on ensuring that older people:

  • Can access the information, services and support they need
  • Feel safe in their relationships, homes and communities
  • Are treated fairly and their contribution is recognised and valued
  • Can make their voices heard and have meaningful choice and control

Delivering these outcomes will be crucial to ensure older people can have a good quality of life – both now and in the future – and that older people’s rights are upheld, something that remains a key focus of my work.

Get in touch and make your voice heard

I want to hear from as many people as possible about the action that would help to improve older people’s lives, and the ways my work can support the delivery of these outcomes.

So please do get in touch to share your views and ideas, and make your voice heard by completing this short questionnaire.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to talk about your experiences with a member of my team, please call 03442 640 670.

You may want to highlight something you are concerned or worried about, or share an example of something that works well and makes a positive difference that could be introduced in other parts of Wales. What you share could be based on your own experiences, the experiences of your family and friends, or those of older people you work with or support.

You can find out more about each of the key outcomes below and have your say about the action you think I should take. There’s also space at the end for you to share any other thoughts or ideas you might have, or to highlight other changes or improvements you’d like to see.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Rhian Bowen-Davies, Older People’s Commissioner for Wales

Download a copy of the Commissioner's questionnaire Complete the Commissioner's questionnaire online

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