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Commissioner’s Priorities

An arrow carved out of mud
A woman speaking into a megaphone alongside a woman holding a phone at a march

Protecting and Promoting Older People's Rights

Find out more about the Commissioner's work to ensure that our rights are upheld as we grow older

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A plastic figurine on a pebble in the foreground and seven plastic figurines in the background standing

Ending Ageism and Age Discrimination

Ageism is prejudice or discrimination based on a person’s age and is still very prevalent within society.

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Older woman looking upset and staring into the distance

Stopping the Abuse of Older People

Thousands of older people in Wales experience abuse – a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, which causes harm or distress

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Two older men and two older women smiling and laughing while on the beach

Enabling Everyone to Age Well

Ageing well – ‘adding life to years, not just years to life’

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A £10 note with four pound coins on a bed of £20 notes

Increasing Pension Credit Uptake in Wales

Pension Credit offers a lifeline to some of Wales’s poorest and most vulnerable older people, and as we face the cost-of-living crisis it’s more important than ever that people receive what they are entitled to

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Portrait of an older woman talking on the phone

Advice and Assistance

Contact the Commissioner's Advice and Assistance Team

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A woman speaking into a megaphone alongside a woman holding a phone at a march

Claim Your Rights

The Commissioner has produced a range of resources to empower older people.

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