Know Your Rights: An Easy Guide
This guide sets out the rights that older people have in a range of key areas, such as employment, healthcare and housing.
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GP Practices in Wales: A Guide for Older People
The Commissioner's guide helps older people and their families better understand their rights when accessing their GP practice, and the kinds of services and support that should be available.
Read the Guide Here
Hospital Discharge: Helpful information about what to expect when you’re ready to leave hospital
A guide on hospital discharge for older people and their families, which provides a range of helpful information about what older people should expect when they are ready to leave hospital.
Read the Leaflet Here
Living in a Care Home in Wales: Know Your Rights
The Commissioner has launched a guide for older people, which provides crucial information about their rights when moving into and living in a care home.
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Getting the information and services you need in a digital world: Know your rights
Did you know you have a right to access the information and services you need in a way that suits you?
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Taking Action Against Ageism
It's essential we challenge ageism at every opportunity, but many older people have told us they find it difficult to recognise ageism, and are unsure what to do to challenge ageism when they encounter it. Our guide provides information about how to take action against ageism.
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Social Services in Wales
The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 is a Welsh law that sets out the ways in which local authorities must provide information, care and support to older people.
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An Easy Guide to Lasting Powers of Attorney
The guide is intended to help people across England and Wales to better understand the importance of having a LPA to manage their finances, health and welfare.
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Mental Capacity: An Easy Guide
This guide will provide you with a greater understanding of what is meant by 'Mental Capacity'
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