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Cost of Living: Financial Entitlements – Frequently Asked Questions

in Resources, Information Guide
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With the recent increases in the cost of living, we know that many older people are concerned about shopping for food, heating their homes and filling up their car. We also know that many older people are unsure about the financial entitlements that may be available to them, and where they can go for help and information.

That’s why the Commissioner has brought together helpful information to answer some key questions about the financial assistance that may be available to older people to help them through this difficult time.

You may be entitled to up to 3 Cost of Living Payments of £301, £300 and £299 if you get any of the following benefits or tax credits on certain dates:

• Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
• Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
• Income Support
• Pension Credit
• Universal Credit
• Child Tax Credit
• Working Tax Credit

The payment will be made separately from your benefit payments. If you have a joint claim on the qualifying dates, a single payment of £301, £300 and £299 will be sent using the same payment method used between these dates, if you’re eligible.

Find out more here:

Age UK has useful calculator that provides an estimate of the financial support you may be entitled to.

To use the calculator, you'll need some information about your pensions, income and savings.

Visit the Age UK Benefits Calculator

The Discretionary Assistance Fund gives grants to people who either need help to live independently, called an Individual Assistance Payment or to people who have experienced an emergency or a disaster, called an Emergency Assistance Payment. Grants do not need to be paid back.

You can contact your local Citizens Advice service or phone Advicelink Cymru on their free helpline 0800 702 2020 for help in applying for a grant.

Find out more here:

Contact your local Care and Repair Cymru Service on 0300 111 3333.

Care and Repair Cymru run a project called 70+ Cymru which aims to improve the warmth, comfort and quality of life for older people in Wales. A Home Energy Officers can visit you and work with you to find ways to keep your home safe and warm. They may even be able to refer you onto the Welsh Governments Nest programme for further help and support if you meet the eligibility criteria.

Yes, you should check if you’re eligible.

Pension Credit can top up a person’s income to a minimum of £201.05 per week for single pensioners and to £306.85 for couples. It can also provide access to a range of other entitlements such as help with housing costs, council tax, heating bills and for those aged 75 or over, a free TV licence.

Talk to an advisor at Advicelink Cymru on their free Claim What’s Yours helpline on 0808 250 5700, they can help you check what you are entitled to and even arrange for you to get help in completing any claims.

However, you can also phone the Pension Credit Claim Line directly on 0800 99 1234 or apply online at Pension Credit: How to claim – GOV.UK (

Portrait of an older woman talking on the phone

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