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Three older women and an older man laughing and sitting on a sofa while looking at a tablet

Age-Friendly Community of Practice for Wales

in Resources

Age-Friendly Community of Practice

The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales has established an Age-Friendly Community of Practice for Wales – a forum where people can come together to network and share information, ideas and good practice on developing Age Friendly Communities, which is owned and steered by its members and where older people are directly involved as key partners from the start.

Age-friendly communities help to ensure we feel valued, heard, included and respected, and can do the things that matter as we get older. They are places in which older people, communities, policies, services, settings and structures work together in partnership to support and enable us all to age well.

The Commissioner has brought together case studies of Age-Friendly Communities in Practice to show the benefits of ageing well projects.


Read the Case Studies Here
Portrait of an older woman talking on the phone

How could the Community of Practice help us in supporting older people?

  • Sharing ideas and putting them into practice.
  • Providing learning and opportunities to discuss and address issues or barriers.
  • Providing an opportunity to pool resources.
  • Sharing information about funding opportunities, which could include joint applications for further funding.
  • Regular catch-up and information sharing meetings.
Three older women hugging and laughing with each other

Why join the Community of Practice?

A space to:

  • Share good practice and information regarding what works well.
  • Enable learning and development.
  • Keep up with any changes / raise awareness.
  • Discuss how different places have approached different areas of work, including overcoming barriers.
  • Influence practice and policy throughout Wales, through sharing insight, experience and challenges with peers.
  • Enable partners to discuss their Age Friendly work, and network across county and regional borders.

The Community of Practice has regular meetings to share information, ideas and good practice, and work together to make communities throughout Wales age-friendly. The group will also provide a chance to discuss and address issues or barriers, as well as an opportunity to pool resources.

If you are interested in joining please call 03442 640670 or email

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