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Resources & Publications

Older Woman Potting Plant In Garden At Home
Psychoterapist interviewing older person Influencing Policy & Practice

Consultation Response – Suicide and self harm prevention strategy

An older woman smiling while taking to another person Influencing Policy & Practice

Consultation Response – Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Three older men having a conversation around a table with mugs overlayed with blue

Growing older in Wales: Perspectives of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic older people

row of people to the bank teller cashier defocused background Influencing Policy & Practice

Consultation Response – Access to Banking

Portrait of an older woman talking on the phone

Consultation Response – Welsh Government consultation: Proposed changes to the Putting Things Right process

Influencing Policy & Practice

Consultation Response – Raising The Weekly Maximum Charge for Adult Non-Residential Care and Support

A stethoscope and pen on a medical chart Research & Reports

Difficulties accessing GP practices leaving many older people suffering in pain and living with deteriorating conditions, warns Commissioner

Picture of two medical professionals and an older woman conversing over an older man in a hospital bed

‘Understanding DNACPR’: Information and Advice about Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Decisions

Image of a laptop wrapped in chains Research & Reports

Access Denied: Older people’s experiences of digital exclusion in Wales

Calculator and pen on a financial spreadsheet Influencing Policy & Practice

Consultation Response – Local Government Finance (Wales) Bill

Three older women and an older man laughing and sitting on a sofa while looking at a tablet

Age-Friendly Community of Practice for Wales

Two older men and two older women smiling and laughing while on the beach

Age-Friendly Communities in Practice: Good Practice Examples

Explore More

A woman speaking into a megaphone alongside a woman holding a phone at a march

Claim Your Rights

The Commissioner has produced a range of resources to empower older people.

Front page of the Commissioner's abuse directory on a laptop

Find Support

The Commissioner has created a directory of services and organisations that can help you if you are experiencing abuse, think you might be at risk, or are concerned about someone else.

Need to talk to someone? Email us or message us