Make your Pension Credit Promise
With 1 in 5 older people in Wales now living in poverty, and the cost-of-living crisis leaving thousands more facing impossible bills, it’s more important than ever that older people receive the Pension Credit they are entitled to, which boosts incomes by £65 a week on average.
It’s crucial we do all we can to raise awareness about Pension Credit, and encourage and support older people who are eligible to claim what’s theirs.
This is something we can all play a part in, which is why the Commissioner wants you to join her in making a Pension Credit Promise, to highlight the action you will take – however big or small – to help ensure older people do not miss out on Pension Credit as we face another difficult winter.
Your Promise could be to share information about Pension Credit and how to claim, or could be to signpost older people you work with to organisations that provide help and support.
You can make your Promise using the form below, or download a Promise Card and share a photo of yourself with your Promise with us.
We’ll use our Twitter and Facebook accounts to share your promises and highlight the different action being taken to support older people, to inspire and encourage even more action throughout Wales.
You can also join our webinar on 8 December – From the Treasury to Treorchy: Increasing Pension Credit Uptake in Wales – where we’ll be exploring the most effective ways to encourage and support older people to claim the Pension Credit they’re entitled to.
By working together, we can reach out to older people in communities throughout Wales and make a positive difference to thousands of lives by helping to ensure that older people surviving on the lowest incomes – many of whom are amongst the most vulnerable members of society – do not miss out on the support they’re entitled to.
Many thanks in advance for your support.
Download your Promise Card here