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Response to Welsh Government announcement on upcoming social care funding consultation

in News

Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Heléna Herklots CBE, said:

“I welcome today’s announcement that the Welsh Government will be undertaking a consultation to consider how additional funding for social care could be generated in Wales.

“Financial pressures in recent years have impacted on social care services for people of all ages and I have consistently called for more investment in our social care system.

“Alongside exploring how a social care levy could work as part of the consultation, it’s also crucial that the Welsh Government considers the ways to raise the status of social care workers in Wales, to tackle the workforce issues that create additional pressures in an already stretched system.

“Social care provides essential support to people of all ages, helping them to live as independently as possible, do the things that matter to them and have the best quality of life, and our social care system must have the resources it needs to deliver care and support of the highest standard.

“The debate around social care funding has gone on long enough and it is now time for meaningful action. This consultation is an important first step towards this and I look forward to sharing my views with the Welsh Government and scrutinising their plans to ensure that people can get the help and support they need.”

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