Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Heléna Herklots CBE, said:
“I welcome the consultation on the Welsh Government’s proposed new transport strategy, which has now been published.
“Transport plays a crucial role in supporting older people to get out and about, do the things that matter to them, participate in their communities and access vital services such as GP appointments.
“But many older people throughout Wales have told me that the transport options available to them are often limited, particularly in rural areas, which can create challenges and barriers that impact upon their independence, health and well-being.
“Delivering the action proposed in the strategy would ensure progress in a number of areas where I have raised concerns based on the experiences older people have shared with me, including the need for better planning, more accessible and flexible transport options, and improved engagement with older transport users.
“The strategy also recognises the wider role that transport will play in delivering against a number of other key priorities – such as tackling loneliness, making our communities more age-friendly, and wider well-being goals – and I welcome the Welsh Government’s commitment to working with a range of partners, including older people, on the design and delivery of transport services in Wales.
“Whilst the strategy is an important step towards improving transport services in Wales, a great deal of work will be needed to deliver against its ambition and commitments and I will be closely monitoring and scrutinising the action that the Welsh Government takes as things move forward.”