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Renewal of Concessionary Bus Passes

in News

Transport for Wales is currently renewing all Concessionary Bus Passes in Wales.

The most important thing to note is that your current bus pass will still be valid until the end of this year. So, there is no rush to get your application in for a new pass.

You can apply for your new pass in a number of ways:

  1. Using the Transport for Wales website (
  2. Contacting the Transport for Wales helpline (0300 303 4240) to request a paper copy or find out how you can get support 
  3. Contacting your local council for support with filling in your application

To reapply you’ll need:

  • The 19-digit card number printed on your current pass
  • Your date of birth
  • Your postcode
  • Your national insurance number

Once your application is completed, it should take around 15 days for you to receive your new pass. You can continue to use your current pass during this period.

If you have any questions about your renewal, you should contact the Transport for Wales helpline on 0300 303 4240

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