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Commissioner’s response to publication of National Action Plan to Prevent the Abuse of Older People

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Commissioner’s response to publication of National Action Plan to Prevent the Abuse of Older People

Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Heléna Herklots CBE, said:

“I welcome the publication of the Welsh Government’s National Action Plan to Prevent the Abuse of Older People, something I have been calling for to help better protect the thousands of older people in Wales who are experiencing, or at risk of, abuse.

“The publication of this plan – the first of its kind in the UK – is an important step forward and reflects growing recognition of the scale and impact of abuse against older people and the need for specific, meaningful action to ensure that, regardless of age, everyone experiencing or at risk of abuse can access the support and services they may need.

“I particularly welcome that the plan recognises the links between abuse and ageism, something I have been examining through my own work, as this is crucial to determine the most effective approaches to tackling abuse and safeguarding older people within society.

“The action taken forward through the plan will complement and support my work to stop the abuse of older people, as well as the wide range of work being delivered throughout Wales by members of the Stopping Abuse Action Group I established in 2020.

“Furthermore, by enabling improvements in key areas – including communication, workforce training, data collection and joined-up working – the plan will help to protect thousands of older people experiencing or at risk of abuse, and make a positive difference to their lives.”

Read the National Plan to Prevent the Abuse of Older People

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