Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Heléna Herklots CBE, said:
“I am delighted to see older people living in care homes have now started to receive vaccinations to protect them against Covid-19.
“The pandemic has been a particularly difficult time for older people living in care homes, and their loved ones, and they will strongly welcome this important step forward.
“I know that staff working across our health and social care systems will be doing all they can to ensure that these pilot initiatives are successful so that the vaccine can be delivered to more care homes throughout Wales, and I hope that learning and good practice will be shared across the UK in order to support the wider roll-out.
“As it is likely to be some time before all older people living in care homes are protected by the vaccine, it is crucial that residents can stay in close contact with their loved ones, and that safe visits can go ahead wherever possible, which will be particularly important over the Christmas period.”