The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales has welcomed confirmation from the Welsh Government that the eligibility age for the concessionary bus pass will remain at 60.
Under proposals set out by the Welsh Government earlier this year, the eligibility age for the bus pass was set to increase from 60 to State Pension Age, a change that would have affected up to 300,000 older people.
The Commissioner has consistently voiced her opposition to the proposals and called on the Welsh Government to reverse its decision, given the importance of free bus travel to so many older people throughout Wales.
The Commissioner was advised that the qualifying age for a bus pass would remain at 60 during a recent meeting with the Minister for Economy and Transport, Ken Skates AM.
Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Heléna Herklots said:
“I am delighted that the Welsh Government has confirmed to me that the eligibility age for the concessionary bus pass will not be increased and will remain at 60.
“I consistently expressed my opposition to the proposals, and I welcome the fact that the Welsh Government has looked again at the potential impact of changing the eligibility age and has decided not to take this forward as part of the forthcoming Public Transport (Wales) Bill.
“Access to free bus travel brings many benefits for older people, supporting their health, well-being and independence, enabling them to remain connected and engaged with their communities, supporting them in their caring responsibilities and enabling them to stay in employment or access learning and training opportunities.
“There is, of course, more to be done to improve transport services throughout Wales, and I look forward to continuing to work with the Welsh Government and other partners and stakeholders to ensure that older people can remain connected and quickly and easily get where they need to go.”