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Stopping the Abuse of Older People

Older woman looking upset and staring into the distance

Thousands of older people in Wales experience abuse – a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, which causes harm or distress – and crimes committed against older people are under-reported.

The types of abuse against older people include physical abuse; domestic violence; sexual abuse; psychological or emotional abuse; financial or material abuse; organisational or institutional abuse; neglect or acts of omission; and coercive control.

Whilst there is a growing understanding of the scale and nature of abuse and crimes against older people, there is still a lack of meaningful data about the levels of abuse in Wales, and awareness of these issues is still far too low across our public services and society in general.

The Commissioner is taking action to stop this abuse by raising public awareness, improving support and services, undertaking research and improving data, capturing older people’s voices and experiences, supporting staff through training and support, and influencing policy and legislation.

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Three older men having a conversation around a table with mugs overlayed with blue

Stopping Abuse Action Group

The Commissioner's Stopping Abuse Action Group brings together over 30 organisations working in partnership to ensure that older people can get the support they need to keep them safe and protected from abuse and crime.

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Older woman looking upset and staring into the distance

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Portrait of an older woman talking on the phone

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