Ageing well – ‘adding life to years, not just years to life’ – is important for each of us, and for our country as a whole. It is something everyone in Wales should be able to do. Older people should be seen as a vital part of society and should be able to have more opportunities to participate in and contribute to our economy and our communities.
But we may find ourselves unable to do the things that matter to use as we get older. Problems with public transport, for example, mean that some older people are prevented from getting about and about – to volunteer, spend time with friends and family, care for loved ones or get to medical appointments. Many older people do not have access to the internet and are at risk of being left behind as services increasingly move online.
The cost of living crisis also means that thousands of older people are struggling financially, with many not receiving the financial support to which they are entitled.
The Commissioner is working to make Wales a nation of age-friendly communities where older people feel valued, heard, included and respected, and can get out and about; stay informed; afford to do things they want to do; and lead healthy and active lives.

What makes a community age-friendly?
Age-friendly communities help to ensure we feel valued, heard, included and respected, and can do the things that matter as we get older.
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Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities
The WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities was established in 2010 to connect cities, communities and organisations worldwide with the common vision of making communities great places in which to grow older.
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