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Impact and Reach 2023-24

in Annual reports

The Commissioner has published her latest Impact and Reach report, which highlights the work she has delivered to drive change and improve the lives of older people throughout Wales during the past year.

The report highlights the action the Commissioner has taken against her four priorities – protecting and promoting older people’s rights, ending ageism and age discrimination, stopping the abuse of older people and enabling everyone to age well, as well as her wider work to influence policy and practice at both a local and national level.

The report also highlights the issues raised by older people who have been supported by the Commissioner’s Advice and Assistance Service, as well as the extensive engagement with older people throughout Wales undertaken by the Commissioner and her team to hear their views and ideas, which is crucial to help to shape her work.

The Commissioner said:

“My final full year as Commissioner has been very busy time, and as you’ll see from my report, my team and I have delivered a great deal to drive change for older people.

“I’d like to thank all of the older people and organisations who have worked with and supported me during the past year, and I’m looking forward to building on the progress we have made during 2023-24 to help ensure Wales is a place where older people are valued, rights are upheld and no-one is left behind.”


Read the Commissioner's Impact and Reach Report 2023-24

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