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Who we are and what we do

The Commissioner's logo with a illustration of a checklist to the side

1. Who we are and what we do

1.1 Roles and Responsibilities

Information about the Role of the Commissioner

For further information on the Commissioner’s role, activities and objectives, please see:

1.2 Organisational Structure

The Commissioner

The Commissioner is a Corporation Sole; there is therefore no Board as one might find in other public bodies. As a Corporation Sole and the Accounting Officer, the Commissioner holds personal responsibility for directing and controlling the organisation but may authorise the exercise of her functions by any member of staff.

A nominated deputy may exercise the Commissioner’s statutory functions if the office is vacant or should the Commissioner at any time be unable to act for any reason.

Commissioner’s Team 

The Commissioner is supported by a small team of staff who work on her behalf to deliver her priorities. You can find out more about the roles and responsibilities of the Commissioner’s Team here.

Audit and Risk Assurance Committee

The Commissioner has an Audit and Risk Assurance Committee to support her as Accounting Officer in monitoring and reviewing corporate governance, risk management and internal control systems.

The Committee consists of four independent members. Good practice requires the Commissioner to regularly review and rotate the cumulative diversity, skills, knowledge and experience of the Committee members. Find out more about the Commissioner’s Audit and Risk Assurance Committee.

1.3 Information Relating to the Legislation Relevant to our Functions

Information about the role of the Commissioner

1.4 Lists of, and information relating to, organisations with which we work in partnership

Useful links to other organisations

1.5 Location and Contact Details

For our office location and main contact details see Contact us.

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