6. Lists and Registers
6.1 Gifts and Hospitality
It is vitally important that the Commissioner remains, and is viewed as being, independent. As part of this, the Commissioner and their staff must be seen as impartial and non-partisan.
To avoid the potential for any perceived or real conflict of interest or allegation of bribery or compromise, the Commission maintains a register of all gifts and hospitality, both accepted and declined, in the course of official duties.
Gifts and Hospitality Register 2023-24
Gifts and Hospitality Register 2022-23
Gifts and Hospitality Register 2021-22
6.2 Register of Interests
The Commissioner, members of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee and all staff are required to annually sign a Code of Conduct, which incorporates the Seven Principles of Public Life.
The Commissioner has not declared any information which could give rise to a conflict of interest.