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About the Commissioner

A group of older people clapping and cheering

A message from the Commissioner


It is an honour and a privilege to serve as the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales. This independent role is unique in its purpose to promote and champion the rights of older people and as Commissioner I will listen to what’s important to them and ensure their voices and experiences are integral to bringing about positive change.

The quality of our lives as we grow older is influenced by a range of factors such as our health, housing and income as well as where we live and the types of support, services and community networks accessible to us. So I’m keen to meet older people in all parts of Wales to understand the range of challenges they face in their day to day lives and to hear how they feel things could be done differently to enable and support them to live and age well.

I recognise the significant challenges currently facing older people, which often result in multiple disadvantages for older people, making it increasingly difficult for them to access the vital services and support they need. I do not underestimate the gravity of these issues and, from the outset, I will be the strong voice of older people, ensuring that their experiences and concerns are brought directly to decision- and policy-makers.

Working with and on behalf of older people I look forward to making a positive contribution; safeguarding rights and challenging discrimination.

Together we will ensure that older people’s voices are heard at a local and national level, which will be crucial to create a Wales that leads the way in empowering older people, tackling inequality and enabling everyone to live and age well.

Rhian Bowen-Davies
Older People’s Commissioner for Wales

Read Rhian's biography
An arrow carved out of mud

Our Priorities

Find out more about our work to protect older people’s rights, end ageism and age discrimination, stop the abuse of older people and enable everyone to age well.

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A jigsaw of the Commissioner's logo with a piece missing

Commissioner's Work Programme

Find out more about the Commissioner's work and priorities for 2023-24.

Read the work programme
Two books and a gavel on a table

Legal Powers

The Commissioner has a unique set of legal powers to support her work to improve older people's lives.

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Hanging lights in a dark room

Commissioner's Team

The Commissioner is supported by a small team of staff who work on her behalf to deliver her priorities.

Meet the Team
A calculator and pen on a financial graph

Audit and Risk Assurance

The Audit and Risk Assurance Committee support the Commissioner in monitoring and reviewing corporate governance, finance, risk management and internal control systems.

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